Electronic Products bvba EN
How it works
Encoders: digital or analog


Both types of ENCODERS are rather insensitive to moisture and dirt, because a number of windows/bars are looked at at the same time, the average result is the output. Ex: if 10 window/bar combinations are looked at, the incidence of 1 missing window/bar is rather limited.

As one can see in the first picture, the dark area is the photosensor array which is 2.0mm wide and 0.15mm high. When comparing this with a CODESTRIP at 180LPI as can be seen in the second image,one can deduct that there are about 14 window/bar pairs being looked at at the same time in this case.


Electronic Products bvba - Hulstraat 31 - B-1570 VOLLEZELE - BELGIUM - +32 54 567010 - electronic.products@telenet.be